Monday 30.03.09

Today we left the hotel in Taipei at 4.30 am. We went to the airport, and after leaving Taipei, we arrived in Hong Kong. It took 10 hours 35 min. to Helsinki, where the Danish and Lithuanian members said goodbye, and went their seperate ways to Vilinus og Copenhagen.

Sunday 29.03.09


Today is the last day before we go home to Denmark and Lithuania tomorrow.
We had a very big Goodbye party, with all the host families, and Guvenor Bill Chen.
It was very sad to say goodbye to the many people. We have had the best time ever, and we will miss them and Taiwan so much.
At 3.00 Pm. we went to a hotel in Taipei, in which we are going to spend the night.

Saturday 28.03.09


Today we went to Dajia Temple, where we got a tour around and went down to the small museum, that was located under the temple.
Afterwards we went to the Taoism Temple, with is currenty under construction. However it was in use, so we went around and looked, and also got a guided tour. We had lunch here.
We then went to Pine Garden, which is a private nursing home for elderly people. It was very nice to see, and we got to say hello to some of the staff and elderly.

Friday 27.03.09


We started the day by going to Giant bicykle Factory, which was founded in 1972. It has 10 % of the global market share in making bicykles, and are avilable in more tan 50 countries.
We then went to Taichung Horbour and Lighthouse, and walked around the area and also saw the local tempel.
We then made a stop a Taichung County Seaport Center, and saw some of the different artwork.
In the late afternoon we went by Tungs' Taichung Metro Harbour Hospital, to get a tour around the private hospital.
In the evening we attended a Rotary meeting, where 8 clubs were represented, and we gave the last presentation.

Thursday 26.03.09


Today we went to the very famous factory Asia Optical, which amoung other things makes camera lenses. The factory was founded in1981, and about 10.000 people work there.
After lunch we made a short stop at Fu-Ping Hospital, to have a look around.
We then went to Fengyuan Lacquerware, where we all made this beautiful stone in a lot of colors.
Afterwards we went to Government of Fong Yan, and in the art and culture center, we made flowers from string. A very creative day.
In the evening we gave a presentation af a Rotary club.